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Swing Viewer Statements

Swing Viewer - Statements

The statements below describe how the Swing Viewer product meets the legal requirements with regard to privacy and accessibility. Despite extensive testing, shortcomings can always occur. View our disclaimer on how to report a problem.

In Swing, data from different data sources, area levels (districts, municipalities, etc.) and over long time series can be brought together and offered via the intranet and/or internet to the organization and/or the public. With help of the online application Swing Viewer, the data can easily be converted into different presentation formats. The users can combine indicators, time periods, area levels and presentation formats or can make use of pre-selected presentations and dynamic reports.

To be able to present information to users in the private environment, personal data is processed . In principle, users of the private part of the platform represent the organization that employs them. From now on in this document by the term ‘users’ we understand those who make use of the private environment.

ABF Research believes that it is important to handle personal data carefully. That is why the data is carefully processed and well secured. This takes into account the requirements of the privacy legislation.

The following measures are part of the privacy policy.

1 Personal data of users are processed in the Swing Viewer application

The personal data is provided to ABF Research through direct user input in the Swing Viewer application or are made available to ABF by ABF's customers. The overview below specifies the personal data that is by default processed.

  • User name
  • Name
  • E-mail address

Because the user represents the organization that employs him/her, phone number and email address data practically belong to the organization.

2 Special personal data is not processed

Swing Viewer does not process any personal data that applies under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as special or sensitive personal data.

3 The processing of personal data has a legitimate basis

Swing Viewer processes personal data because it is necessary to implement the agreement including the use of the Swing Viewer application. Specifically, this may concern:

  • The need to contact users.
  • To give users the opportunity to sign in and to request a new password in a secure manner.
  • To be able to establish whether a user belongs to the target group of the concerned implementation.
  • To send information.

4 Data is stored only as long as strictly necessary

In Swing Viewer personal data is not kept longer than necessary to achieve the goals for which the information was collected.

5 Data is not shared with third parties

ABF Research does not provide information of its users to third parties without explicit permission. With organizations that process personal data on behalf of ABF Research, we conclude a privacy agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality.

6 Those involved have the right to request access, correction or deletion of their data

Users have the right to view, correct or delete their personal data. For this reason an appointment can be made with the ABF Research project manager. It is important that one identifies him-/herself and this way can demonstrate that the information to be shown, corrected or removed belong to the person with the identification. It is not allowed to access data from other people.

Other rights that users have, are the right to transfer their personal data (data portability) and the right to object to processing.

Finally, a user can submit a request to delete the account and their personal data. For this purpose, the ABF Research project manager can be contacted .

7 Cookies are only used for website optimization

Swing Viewer only uses technical and functional cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is saved on the user’s computer, tablet or smartphone on the first visit of a website. The cookies used by Swing Viewer are necessary for the technical operation of the website and ease of use. They ensure that the website functions and maintains, for example, the preferences of a user. Additional cookies can be placed to track the surfing behavior of users so that we can see how often certain content is visited. This is used to organize the information provision via the website as well as possible. Cookies cannot be used to identify users.

8 ABF Research can be contacted for further information or complaints

For questions about this privacy statement, please contact ABF Research. Additional information about how ABF Research deals with personal data can be found in privacy statement on the website. We are more than happy to help you if you have complaints about the processing of your personal data. Should we not be able to come to terms on the subject, then you, of course, have the right under the privacy legislation to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

In the development of the web application, the Swing Viewer development team aims at an optimum accessibility for all users. The guidelines (in dutch) used while developing can be found here: An equivalent in the English language can be found here: Nonetheless, in case anything is missing out or doesn't function properly with regard to Swing Viewer's accessibility, please contact our help desk via email at so we can improve our software even further.

Browser support

We'd like to advise you to use one of the browsers below:

  • Microsoft Edge (versie 12 and up)
  • Mozilla Firefox (versie 3.5 and up)
  • Google Chrome (versie 30 and up)

We test our software in Microsoft Internet Explorer (versie 11) also but advise you not to use this webbrowser.

Due to the complexity of the interface, the Swing Viewer application is not suitable for use with mobile devices

Keyboard support

The Swing Viewer web application supports the same keyboard mechanisms as your browser normally would with the following additions:

  • ctrl-alt+e: open edit menu.
  • ctrl-alt+s put focus on skiplinks, with these links the focus can be set on one of the parts of the web application.
  • ctrl+up en ctrl+down navigate between the parts of the web application.
  • ctrl-alt-t puts the focus on the link from which the current presentation can be opened as a table in a new browser window.
  • ctrl-alt-c opens a contextual menu (if available) for the focussed element.

Needless to say, the information on this website is compiled and presented with the greatest possible care. However, it is possible that the information offered on or through this website is outdated, incomplete and/or (partially) inaccurate in parts. The information offered on or through this website may be changed regularly with immediate effect and without any further notice in terms of content and presentation. It is therefore advisable for visitors to this website to periodically check whether the information provided on or through this website, with the inclusion of the text of this page, has changed.


By visiting this website and/or using the information provided on or through this website, you agree to and accept the application of the following. ABF Research waives all and any liability in respect of direct and/or indirect, non-pecuniary or consequential loss (which, in amongst other elements, includes loss of profit, business interruption, reputational damage and missed orders) arising in any shape or form from, albeit not necessarily restricted to:

  • defects, viruses or other flaws or deficiencies in equipment and other software in connection with access to or use of this website,
  • the use of the information provided on or through this website,
  • the operation or unavailability of this website,
  • misuse of this website,
  • the loss of data,
  • the downloading or use of any software made available through this website, or
  • claims from third parties in connection with the use of this website, all of the above on the proviso that the loss or damage is the result of deliberate intent or wilful recklessness on the part of ABF Research or its managers.

Reporting vulnerabilities

If you should come across a weakness in one of ABF Research's ICT systems, please let us know before you make this known to the outside world. This allows us to put in place appropriate steps first. For more information, please visit Reporting vulnerabilities.